Google Drive is a file storage and sync service, introduced to the public by Google, on April 24, 2012. Google Drive is an extension to Google Docs once activated and replaces the URL with It gives a free storage of 5GB. One interesting feature of the service is smart tagging, which allows you to tag items stored on your drive. So if you’ve uploaded a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge to your drive, the next time you perform a search for the bridge, your photo will show up along with other results. It also uses image recognition. Its also possible to share the file. Check out the video for more information.
Tag: Ubuntu One
Ubuntu One Monitoring Tools for Ubuntu
Its quite sad, that Ubuntu one doesn’t provide inbuilt monitoring tools. We need to use terminal to track those. Couple of commands like “u1sdtool –waiting-metadata | wc -l” , “u1sdtool –current-transfers” are very useful. Quite late I found two awesome Ubuntu monitoring tools.
1. Magicicada: A GTK+ frontend for the “Chicharra” part of Ubuntu One client. It allows you to connect/disconnect and see the items in the queue. You can install it with these commands in a terminal:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chicharreros/ppa
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install magicicada
2. Ubuntuone-indicator: A community implementation of Ubuntu One plugin for Application Indicators. It provides an overview of Ubuntu One state and gives out useful info about file upload and download status. Additional feature such as the list of recently published files is also available.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rye/ubuntuone-extras
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-indicator
You can add ‘ubuntuone-indicator’ to Startup Applications.
Well I prefer Ubuntuone-indicator, because its quite simple, very useful, informative and super easy.