We have found a simple and decent way to achieve stylish select dropdown using CSS. It works across all browsers, simple to implement and moreover stylish.
1. Create a normal select dropdown as follows:
<select id="ddlCountry"> <option value=""> --- Choose ---</option> <option value="India">India</option> <option value="China">China</option> <option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option> <option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option> </select>
2. Now wrap the select with a div tag
<div class="ddlWrap"> <select id="ddlCountry"> <option value=""> --- Choose ---</option> <option value="India">India</option> <option value="China">China</option> <option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option> <option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option> </select> </div>
3. Basically we are going to make the opacity 0 and add a background image for that
.ddlWrap select { opacity: 0; width: 215px; line-height: 1; border: 0; border-radius: 0; background: url("arrow_select.png") no-repeat 100% 0 #2D2D2D; //for IE -webkit-appearance: none; //for Google Chrome color: #fff; height: 32px; } .ddlWrap { width: 215px; overflow: hidden; background: url("arrow_select.png") no-repeat 100% 0 #2D2D2D; border: solid 1px #333333; border-radius: 5px; position: relative; }
4. Now you will find a drop down with an arrow and no text to display, thats because the opacity is 0. Here we need to do a small tweak. We add addional span tag above the select and display the selected content.
<div class="ddlWrap"> <span> --- Choose ---</span> <select id="ddlCountry"> <option value=""> --- Choose ---</option> <option value="India">India</option> <option value="China">China</option> <option value="Pakistan">Pakistan</option> <option value="Sri Lanka">Sri Lanka</option> </select> </div>
5. And update the style for span
.ddlWrap span { position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 5px; }
6. Now with the help of jQuery we update the span with the selected dropdown text
$('select').click(function () { $(this).prev('span').text($(this).find('option:selected').text()); });
That’s it, we have done it. You can trigger a ready event and update the selected content, if you do not wish to hard code ‘— Choose —‘.

Click here to download the full source code.
Courtesy: Biswanath Dey (BD)