Preview Any Kind Of File In Ubuntu 11.10 With Globus Preview

Gloobus-Preview is a Nautilus extension to get preview of audio, video, images, documents, code and text files. This enables sorting out junk files within numerous directories and opening different kinds of file types (such as pictures, music, video, code files etc), without requiring multiple applications to be installed on your computer.

To Install:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gloobus-dev/gloobus-preview
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install gloobus-preview
sudo apt-get install gloobus-preview gloobus-sushi

Globus Preview
Globus Preview

To Use:
Once installed, click any file and hit Space key to get an instant preview. You can open full-screen view by using the full-screen mode button present at the bottom of the screen. To exit full screen mode, hit ESC. The file preview window contains a Cog icon located at the top right corner, which provides access to preview settings. These settings enable users to keep the preview window on top, close the window and to use a GTK theme for file preview.

Unity Youtube Search Engine and Player for Ubuntu

Now Search and play YouTube videos on Ubuntu with other lens. Searching and playing youtube videos on your computer is as easy as snapping your finger. The search results can then be ordered based on relevance, date published, number of views and overall rating. Once you click on the video, the video will be played back to you on your VLC Player.

To install execute the following scripts:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/lenses
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lens-video scope-youtube

Once executed, you will need to log out and back in before you can use them. Open the Dash and click on the ‘Video Lens’ icon positioned towards the bottom of the screen.

unity youtube lens
Unity Youtube Search

To view the video you need VLC Player. Make sure you have the player.

youtube vlc player
Youtube Video on VLC Player

That’s it, Enjoy.

Ubuntu’s 7th Birthday

On Oct 20th, 2004 Mark Shuttleworth and his team announced the initial version of Ubuntu, UBUNTU 4.10. Ubuntu is a fork of the Debian project’s codebase. The original aim of the Ubuntu team was to create an easy-to-use Linux desktop with new releases scheduled on a predictable six-month basis, resulting in a more frequently updated system. Ubuntu’s first release was on 20 October 2004. Since then, Canonical has released new versions of Ubuntu every six months with commitment to support each release for eighteen months by providing security fixes, patches to critical bugs and minor updates to programs. It was decided that every fourth release, issued on a two-year basis, would receive long-term support (LTS). LTS releases are supported for three years on the desktop and five years on the server.

Ubuntu 4.10 Screenshot


  • GNOME 2.8 (Yes, GNOME 2.8)
  • Firefox 0.9
  • 1.1.2
  • Gaim instant messenger 1.0 (Gaim would later become Pidgin)
  • GIMP 2.0
  • Floppy Formatter
  • Naming Convention:
    ‘Warty Warthog’ was so named because of the short amount of time in which it was put together, resulting in release lacking ‘polish’

    If you like to experiment Ubuntu 4.10, Click here to download