Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of now Facebook has more than 750 million active users. Facebook announced Tuesday that it would be rolling out new site features and designs. Some of the new major features are as follows:
1. New Stylish Album Layout: The new Album look and feel is really eye-catching, Its appear in your newsfeed stack three photos for a more creative viewing experience.

2. News Feed Ticker: The new ticker on the upper right of your homepage condenses real-time posts. By clicking you can expand and view likes and comments.

3. Top Story: The top stories are designated by a blue tag in the upper left corner of the post. Its selected based upon importance and relevance.
4. Recent Stories: Categories all the recent stories, in such a way its highly notable.

5. Locked Statusbar: Well this feature was launched couple of weeks back, where that top status bar is locked. Whenever we scroll down/up, the status bar is always visible.

6. Subscribe and Unsubscribe: Well this sounds very much like Google+’s circle. We can also set, the way we want to subscribe any one. This feature was also launched couple of weeks back.